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Nice library. Does it work with local storage if running as HTML5? Looks like it just calls buffer_save under the covers, so I'm guessing yes(?). I'm new to GameMaker so not sure


Answering my own question after some testing, it does store the data in local storage with HTML5

Can you help me? I am trying to save the highscore of the player.

I have created a persistent obj_manager and in the create event I had this:

new SaveFile();

file = ssave_get(SaveFile, ''save'');

Highscore = file.get("highscore");


and in another object I pasted this code:

if (global.points > Highscore) {

file.set("highscore", global.points);

Highscore = global.points;


in the script I had this:

function SaveFile() : SSave("save") constructor


add_value("highscore", SSAVE_TYPE.REAL, 0);


this doesn't work and I don't understand why.


You should release a video tutorial or some sort of documentation for this, this tool seems amazing, but the demo isn't very useful and it's practically impossible to understand what I can even do with this tool.

Hey, I definitely plan on making documentation for all my tools at some point--just need to find some free-time to do it. I'll also look into making the demo a little easier to go through/understand. Thanks for the feedback :)

did you find out how it works?

I did! I joined a Gamemaker library Discord and the person that made SSave was in the server so I  just asked them personally when I ran into issues.

Here's the link to the thread:
Here's the link to join the Discord:

thank you I forgot to delet my message because I figured it out later, but I am still going to join the discord


in scr_ssave_manager there is an error in line 173 that breaks all of it. 

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey, thanks for reporting. I've released a hotfix for this, let me know if that fixed it for you, if not could you show me your code and/or the error message you get? Thanks


This makes it super easy to save and encrypt arrays in newer versions of Gamemaker. Thanks!




coooool!!! it remains only to understand how to properly integrate saving and loading )))))ahahhaha