Hey, I just wanted to celebrate a big milestone: Zenith Grabber has reached the #1 spot on Adult tools on Itch.io. As of today it also sits at the #41 most popu...
The next major update will include some great additions, so please stay tuned. I need a bit of time as I'm going to have to rewrite some stuff, but it'll be wor...
I'm making the decision to split Zenith Grabber into Regular and PRO versions. Zenith Grabber is a free program--running it does cost me money, so if you like w...
Hey everyone, it's been quite a while since the last update--sorry about that! Added PRO version and updated the main Itch.io page. To see more information on w...
You may have noticed the jump from 1.0.35 all the way to 1.4.0. This isn't indicative of giant changes--just that I have updated my version naming format to MAJ...