v0.6.6 - Lots of minor improvements!

Update 0.6.6 has released! This is actually quite larger than most minor updates as the next update will be v0.7 and might take some time - so on that note I do hope you enjoy.

New stuff:

Redesigned the results screen when finishing a song. There is still more work yet to be done, but for now have this!

Added seasonal effects to the menu particles (if its October you get pumpkins, if it's December you get Christmas hats etc)

Added a new song Alien Days which if currently off limits like Finale. Sorry if you want to play it - look out for v0.7!

Added support for graphics settings, this feature should be fully realised in the next major update.


Redesigned the songboxes way of showing that you've beaten a mode. Before it would change the box to a different colour to "represent" the mode, without really giving you a clue on what mode you beat. Now each mode has its own icon, and when beating a song in a different mode these icons will appear above the song. I have also moved the positions of the modes, the most used/fun are at the top :)

Reverted some changes made to 12 Fanclub, Westworld Theme and Chibi-Robo. Old song data caused the sliders to be very broken. In the future I hope to update many songs that were made before sliders were introduced so that they aren't lacking a feature that is needed for 90% of songs. The songs changed should get that treatment at some point, but for now they have been changed back to their original form.

Remade the particle effects when hitting/holding a note so it's more optimized.

Changed the note assist so it's less "in your face". The previous version had a large pixelated circle shrinking into the key: Now the key will become a hexagon, slowly fading back into a circle. When it's a circle again is when you should press it!

Bug fixes:

Thank the jOeSU gods for this one, a bug that has been pestering my very existence, a bug that has existed since the inception of jOeSU is finally put at rest! There was a strange bug which caused a (or multiple) "ghost" notes to spawn at the start of a song. It couldn't be pressed, it looked weird and really made everything feel poorly made. I literally found the solution by accident! One small step for my fingers to change 1 letter, one giant leap for jOeSU kind.

Fixed a problem where the GUI would draw incorrectly for resolutions other than 1920x1080p

Fixed a bug where extra notes would be created when starting a song. This lead to a lot of desync issues on other devices, so this should hopefully help a lot towards that.

Of course, minor bug fixes that I forgot about!

Have fun <3

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